Validity of digital interceptive orthodontic/therapeutic protocols post global pandemics: A review
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Background: Aggressive global pandemics such as COVID-19 can disrupt societies tragically, imposing a suspension to almost every field throughout the world; the orthodontic treatment and follow-up is no exemption. Objectives: To provide practical recommendations about resuming treatment for orthodontic patients during the “Return-to-Practice” phase and emphasize the validity of certain digital interceptive measures post global pandemics to minify the risk of infection spread. Materials and Methods: Sources of information pertaining to orthodontic/therapeutic implications during the COVID-19 pandemic were searched using electronic databases including COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19 2020), Google Scholar, Scopus, PubMed, MEDLINE, reports from Centers for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization, in addition to recommendations by the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) and British Orthodontic Society (BOS). Results: Many viruses are transmitted predominantly via droplets and secretions (cough, sneeze), providing the virus a path through the mucous membrane of the mouth, nose, and eyes. The virus can survive for days on plastic and stainless-steel objects. Tele-orthodontics has proven successful in performing many tasks that can be valid and helpful even post the pandemic. Conclusions: With the high expectations of a pandemic recurrence, attempts to reinforce tele-orthodontics, digital prescription and patient follow-up, and adherence to strict infection control measures are mandatory steps towards reducing contamination within dental/orthodontic practices.
Received date: 10-02-2024
Accepted date: 15-04-2024
Published date: 15-06-2024
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How to Cite
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