Assessment of marginal adaptation of indirect zirconia crown restorations using self-adhesive resin cements modified with polylysine antibacterial particles
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The objective of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of incorporated polylysine antibacterial particles (PLS) in two different types of adhesive resin cements on marginal adaptation of indirect crown restorations fabricated from IPS e.max ZirCAD (LT block). Material and methods: 32 maxillary first premolar teeth were prepared to receive indirect crown restorations with the following preparation criteria: occlusal-gingival height of 4 mm, 3% axial wall taperness, and a 0.8 mm circumferential chamfer finishing line that was checked with a digital caliper. The prepared teeth were randomly assigned to four main groups (n=8) according to the type of resin cement used to lute indirect restorations: 1) Rely C: cemented with RelyXTM U200 cement, 2) RelyPLS: cemented with RelyXTM U200 cement incorporated by PLS, 3) BrC: cemented with BreezeTM cement and 4) BrPLS: cemented with BreezeTM cement incorporated BreezeTM cement. The teeth were digitally scanned and crown design was performed using Sirona InLab CAD 15.1 software. Each restoration was cemented to its respective tooth and a 230X magnification power digital microscope was used to measure the marginal gap in µm. The data was then analysed statistically; Independent t-test and a paired t-test were used. Result: The results showed that the crowns cemented by RelyC showed significantly lower mean values of the marginal gap compared to BrC (28.969 μm, 31.06 μm), respectively (p<0.05) and there were no significant differences in marginal adaptation between the groups cemented with resin cement incorporated with PLS and the other groups cemented with resin cement not incorporated with PLS for both types of cements (p>0.05). Furthermore, the results of the paired t-test showed a statistically higher marginal gap after cementation compared to before cementation in all groups (p<0.05) Conclusion: Incorporating antibacterial PLS antibacterial particles into resin cements did not adversely affect marginal adaptation of zirconia crowns. A smaller gap was produced with RelyX compared to Breeze cement.
Received date: 02-01-2024
Accepted date: 20-02-2024
Published date: 15-12-2024
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