The Effect of Recipient Jaw and Implant Dimensions on Pre- and Post- Loading Dental Implant Stability: A Prospective Clinical Study
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Materials and methods: This study included 17 healthy patients with an age range of 24-61 years. Twenty-two DI were inserted into healed extraction sockets to replace missing tooth/ teeth in premolar and molar regions in upper and lower jaws. Implant stability was measured for each implant and was recorded as implant stability quotient (ISQ) immediately (ISQ0), and at 8 (ISQ8) and 12 (ISQ12) weeks postoperatively, as well as post-functional loading (ISQPFL). The pattern of implant stability changes throughout the study period and its correlation with the recipient jaw and the DI dimensions were evaluated.
Results: There was a significant difference in ISQ values throughout the study. DI stability in the maxilla was significantly higher than that in mandible for the ISQ0, with no significant effect for the rest time points. The effect of implant diameter was significant with DI of 4.1mm diameter being more stable. While for the length, there was no significant difference regarding its effect on ISQ values through-out the study period.
Conclusions: DI inserted in the maxilla demonstrated better primary stability with no effect of recipient jaw on secondary stability and after functional loading, also DI with wider diameter had better stability throughout the study whereas DI length showed no significant effect on stability
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